Stormwater Park image Stormwater Park image
Photo of Stormwater Park by Saul Martinez  (Van Alen)


The Miami Housing Solutions Lab provides a collection of toolkits that outline potential policies, programs, and best practices to best address Miami's equitable resilience and affordable housing challenges.  The toolkits are intended to inform discussions and creatively address a range of separate but linked equitable development priorities.


Miami Housing Policy Toolkit 

The Miami Housing Policy Toolkit outlines innovative policies, programs, and strategies intended to prevent displacement and promote affordable housing. This tool can help advocates, affordable housing developers, and policymakers establish more inclusive, data-driven, and effective housing policies and development strategies.

Housing Policy Toolkit page
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Resilience Policy Toolkit

The Resilience Policy Toolkit is a climate-focused companion to our Miami Housing Policy Toolkit, outlining creative strategies and policies to equitably address the resilient future of Miami's affordable housing stock. In this toolkit, we explore climate-related policies and programs that were successfully implemented in other U.S. cities and consider such approaches with respect to our unique local context. The Resilience Policy Toolkit is intended to spark conversation about effective strategies to protect and strengthen Miami's most vulnerable communities in the face of climate challenges.

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Extreme Heat Policy Toolkit

The Extreme Heat Policy Toolkit further explores climate resilience challenges by addressing the impacts of extreme heat on Miami’s affordable housing stock and historically marginalized communities. The toolkit considers recommendations and solutions from across the country that could better equip communities and decision-makers with information that could improve local responsiveness to the risks of rising temperatures.

Tree canopy MAP
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Urban Resilience Communications Toolkit

The Urban Resilience Communications Toolkit will provide a roadmap for cities and communities that wish to cultivate community-driven approaches to develop mapping and policy tools related to housing affordability and urban resilience. The Urban Resilience Communications Toolkit will outline strategies for building relationships with community partners, accessing and visualizing data, securing funding, and creating mapping tools and other resources that can help cities collaboratively address urban resilience challenges.

Communications toolkit image
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